Sunday 2 November 2014



electricity is  a vital part of the human evolution on which the world functions. from a light bulb to the mission on mars, nothing would be possible if electricity had not been invented. so who invented electricity? do you know? lets find out!!

The word “electricity” comes from the Greek word for amber – “elektron”. Electricity was first discovered about 2 500 years ago by a Greek scientist Thales of Miletus (c. 620 BCE – c. 546 BC) when he noticed that a piece of amber( a sap tree leaf), attracted particles when rubbed with a paper cloth. The word “electric” was first used in 1600 by William Gilbert, the doctor of queen Elizabeth- 1. he further onserved that diamond and glass acted the same way as an amber leaf did .
Count Alessandro Volta invented the first battery in the 18th century. He called it a “voltaic pile.” It consisted of a pile of zinc and silver or copper discs separated by pads moistened with an acid solution. The unit for measuring a unit of electricity, a volt, is named after Count Volta.
the dry cell battery was invented by George Leclanche. The batteries we use in flash lights, portable radios, etc. are based on Leclanche’s design.
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